On March 7th from 1 to 4pm, enjoy a 3-hour art workshop hosted in our wineshop and guided by local artist, Alice Tunnel.
This class is $60.00, and includes the following:
- Wine tasting and 1 complementary glass of wine or fruit juice
- Yupo Paper to experiment on, 6” ceramic tile, and a 8X10” Canvas
- Alcohol Inks, brushes, and other supplies to complete your paintings.
Learn and explore the chance to experiment with alcohol inks if you have not had any experience with them, or work on a improving your skills with Alcohol Inks. You will have a chance to:
- Experiment with the alcohol inks on a small piece of Yupo paper
- Paint on a 6 “tile to paint an abstract or realistic painting.
- Work on a painting on an 8 X 10” canvas to make a landscape, flower, abstract design, or anything that appeals to you.
Participants need to bring an apron, your creativity, and enthusiasm.
Maximum number of participants for this workshop is 12.
Register at https://www.showpass.com/sip-and-ink-alcohol-ink-on-canvas-workshop/